Tel: 03300 431 484
Cerebral Palsy:
This is an umbrella term that covers a range of movement disorders resulting from damage to the brain either before, during, or up to 1 year after birth. Cerebral palsy is a developmental disability that affects movement, posture, and co-ordination and physiotherapy is vital in all cases to maximise functional ability.

Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR)
This is a surgical procedure that aims to relieve spasticity by selectively cutting specific sensory nerve roots in the spinal cord. This procedure can be life-changing but requires intensive physiotherapy post-operatively to achieve maximum function. Our team was part of the NHS England SDR trials so have many years of experience treating children with both pre and post-SDR surgery and have seen many fantastic results.
Premature Babies
Babies born early often need a bit of help to learn how to move due to not experiencing this in the womb when they are born early. If you have any concerns regarding how your baby's movement is developing, we can offer advice on positioning and handling to optimise your baby's development as well as advice about equipment to support you.

Developmental Delay
This is a term used to describe a child who has not reached their developmental milestones at the expected age. Development is categorised into 3 main areas of development; Cognitive and Social Skills, Gross Motor Skills, and Fine Motor Skills. Children can experience delay in one or more of these areas and physiotherapy can identify and facilitate the development of Gross Motor Delay referring to other specialties if required.
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
We provide pre and post-surgery rehabilitation for both children and adults, this can be on land or in a hydrotherapy pool. Many clients with complex physical needs require orthopedic intervention and physiotherapy is crucial to ensure optimal functional outcomes following any surgery.

Hypermobility and Joint Hypermobility Syndrome
Many children have an excessive range of movement in their joints and tend to be more flexible than adults, and although this can be perfectly normal if this results in pain then a physiotherapy assessment is recommended.
Joint Hypermobility Syndrome often causes multiple joint pain and stiffness, issues with proprioception, autonomic function, and intestinal mobility, and can be associated with chronic fatigue and multiple joint pain. Physiotherapy can reduce pain and the risk of dislocations, improve strength and fitness and improve posture and balance.

Gait Abnormalities
Children often present with ‘unusual walking patterns.’ These are often part of normal development and will resolve as a child matures. Common concerns are; flat feet, toe walking, and pigeon toes or knock knees. If a child is complaining of pain with any of the above or functional difficulties then a physiotherapy assessment is recommended.